An Educated Community and Trained Employees Are your Best Asset
Educating the people with which we work is a priority of Type G Engineered Development LLC.
Are you a business development organization (i.e. educational institution or chamber of commerce) wanting to offer your community the first steps in business? Are you a manufacturing company looking for a program to improve your employees’ technical skills?
We can provide a program for what you are looking. Creating and delivering a seminar or a course anywhere in length from two hours to a full day; provided in one business day or tailored to meet your schedule over several weeks or months, Type G Engineered Development LLC shares our years of experience by customizing the program to meet your timing and budgetary needs.
For the organizations focused on business development, we offer programs on:
How to Start a Business – Identifying the ABCs
- Access to Resources
- Business Plans & Why you need them
- Customers – Identifying the Ideal Customer
So You Think You Have a Great idea – Now What?
- 2 Essential factors for Success
- 3 Elements for Project Completion
- 4 D’s for Product Innovation
- 5 Parts to Product Commercialization
- 6 Basic Stages of Product Development
For the manufacturing community, we have developed and delivered programs on:

Basic Blueprint Reading

Basic Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing

Usage of Precision Measurement tools

Working with Welding Symbols
Customized Programs
With our 35+ years in the manufacturing, product and business development industry, we have experience in more areas than those listed above from which to share. From those listed and the additional areas of our diverse background, talk with us about your idea for a new program you would like to see offered.